Monday, October 26, 2009

Turkey Day 4 - Ephesus

After a rough night's sleep, we were dropped off in the middle of nowhere with no clue where to go to next (we were still without vouchers or an agenda). But again, after 5 minutes, we were approached by a Turkish who held a sign with my name on it! How do they keep finding us?!

Anyways, the sightseeing was amazing! I truly felt like I was in Rome. We toured Roman and Byzantine ruins and saw the place where the Virgin Mary was believed to live after Jesus' crucifixion. At that particular site, we were confronted by an older man, Barney, who began discussing the meaning of life with us. It was very deep and insightful. I took away two things: 1) Love God above all else and treat your neighbor as you would treat yourself 2) You must be the change that you seek. Two great pieces of advice from the Irish man.

After the church, we were taken to a leather store who gave us our own private fashion show. Halfway through, I was brought backstage and given a wig and a leather jacket. Then, I was instructed to walk a beautiful model down the runway and model with her! Haha it was fun, but embarrassing!

The day ended on another night bus headed to Istanbul... This time, however, we were perfectly on time!

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