Monday, October 19, 2009

Brasov, Romania


Brasov was a really good experience. Upon arriving at our hostel (at three in the morning), we were greeted by a friendly staff and a wide variety of travelers. There was a woman from Uruguay, two Australian guys, and a Norwegian hippie-like guy who is thinking about dodging the draft in his country. Apparently he just got called in for service. Anyways, after a night of hanging out and talking, I went to bed and got about four hours of sleep before heading out to see the city this morning.

The city was really beautiful. It looks medieval. There were several beautiful churches and scenic views so I'll have plenty of pictures to upload. For lunch we went to this Romanian restaurant where we ate Salmare (I think) which is pork covered in sour cabbage; a specialty here.

Tonight was spent looking for ways to get to Istanbul, we might have to take a train back to Bucharest, then to Sofia, and then on to Turkey. I'm hoping we find a cheap rental car place. It'd be much easier...

Adding Photos!  I think that this will help you understand how unique the city was...

The Church outside of our hostel...

The narrowest street in Brasov (String Street)

Me in the City Center

The Black Church

View of the City...

Different Views of the Black Church...

Me in an Old Cemetery!  Spooky!

A really cool white church inside of a cemetery...

Another Cemetery...

1 comment:

  1. You really are getting brave, cabbage and pork. I don't even eat cabbage or a least cooked. Keep trying new found and maybe your pallet will change! Have fun on your adventures.
