Looks like I took a ride on the Orient Express!
We spent about an hour socializing with a man from Kansas who one day decided to pack up his things and travel the world. Apparently he has been traveling for about two years now. Anyways, we decided to hit the road to see the sites...
We saw many tourist attractions; the two most amazing being the Hagia Sofia and the Blue Mosque. We even got to watch a prayer in the Blue Mosque. Normally tourists are kicked out, but we acted interested in the religion to enter and watch ;). It was really cool watch.
Me in front of the Hagia Sofia...


Me in front of the Hagia again...

One last view of the Hagia...
The Blue Mosque from afar...
The Blue Mosque again...
Outside of the Blue Mosque - I really like this picture!

Inside the Blue Mosque...

The backside of the Blue Mosque...
When evening came, we headed to the Gran Bazaar, a giant market place. I contemplated buying a Hookah, but didn't because I decided my lungs would thank me later.
After we left the Bazaar, we popped into a travel agency to inquire about the costs of renting a car, as we wanted to go to Cappadocia and Ephesus. He told us it wouldn't be worth it and quickly told us about an all inclusive tour package that would cost 500€. We started laughing and so he got serious and started hammering away at the calculator. He then proceeded to tell us that for 190€ we could do the whole three day and four night trip; but, he told us that the bus would leave in only an hour. After quick calculations in our heads, Luiggi and I figured that it'd be much cheaper than renting a car. So, we booked it and then literally booked it to the hostel to shower and gather our things.
As usual, we were pressed for time, so we had to run back to the travel agency (ten minutes away) to have him hold the bus. We called a cab who was instructed by the agent to hurry up, which he did because he drove like a madman- weaving in and out of cars and almost getting in a million accidents!
Upon arrival, the whole bus company was waving us to run to the bus that was literally backing out of its space. We flagged it down and stopped the bus. Everyone was laughing, but we made it!
We really have to stop being so late (although this time it wasn't our fault)...
Two more random photos from that day...
Underground Watershed...

Medusa holding up a pillar in the underground watershed...
I am glad you made the right choice, "Just Say NO to Hooka" you are right it is horrible for your lungs!!!! Stay healthy , NO HOOKA! Sounds like an amazing adventure you're having. It is just like the amazing race, cutting it short and almost missing flights, trains and buses.LOL Have fun only a few more days left.