Monday, October 26, 2009

Turkey Day 2 - Cappadocia

Shortly after hopping on the bus, we realized we had nothing; no voucher, no receipt... Nothing haha

We freaked out a bit, but decided it'd work out. So how were we supposed to know where to get off the bus without a ticket? We guessed and ended up in a small town near Cappadocia. The information office couldn't help us because we knew nothing, but he let us charge my phone in hopes that 1) it would work and 2) that the travel agent sent us an email with details. Neither happened... My phone kept crashing, as it had been since I got to Turkey, and we found no email. So, we were stuck. But, after a few more minutes, the phone at the info center rang and said a car would be coming for us. How they new where we were still remains a mystery...

The car took us to our cave hotel (very fitting since Cappadocia is famous for its array of ancient cave dwellings). From there we started our tour. On the tour we were shown various cave dwellings and cave churches from over 4,000 yeas ago! It was incredible. We were shown many breathtaking views and rock formations and taken to various local shops. We saw how ancient pottery was made and how Turkish carpets are made.

This fun and interesting day ended with a bottle of wine, hookah, and relaxation on our upper terrace where one can see a beautiful moonlit valley and hear Islamic prayers echoing throughout the canyons... Great day!

1 comment:

  1. Are you a caveman now. How was it staying overnight in a cave? Bats on the ceiling? I'm happy to hear you had a great day. Can't wait to see the pictures you took of the valley at night. Do the Islamic prayers take place in an open space outdoors or in a temple?
