Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Transylvania and a Crazy Bus Ride

Today Luiggi and I woke up around 6:45 am to get an early start to our day because we only had until 16:00 to see Bran (Dracula's) Castle and get back to the train station...

Walkway Leading up to the Castle...

Inside Court

Spectacular Views!  The castle was built on a hill so that it could see its enemies coming from miles away...

Dracula's castle was pretty cool. There was a lot of history about the region of Transylvania inside; but, I enjoyed reading about vampires and the story of Dracula the most. Although it was a cool place, I couldn't help but wish that I were that at night and that it was more erie and vampire-like.

After we got back to Brasov, we visited a small museum that was kind of boring. Afterwards, we rushed back to the hostel to grab our bags and head to the train station where we were supposed to grab a train to Bucharest... BUT... The train was late and we needed to get to Bucharest before 8 so we could catch another train to Sofia, Bulgaria. So we scrambled and found a bus to Bucharest in the nick of time.

So far the bus ride has been crazy! We held it up so I could pull money out of the ATM. Then, we forgot to lock the back of the bus, so the bus driver had to stop and make sure nothing fell out. And just now, Luiggi's seat broke so he had to switch seats... I am pretty sure everyone is making fun of us in Romanian :)

Hopefully we make our train at 20:00 in Bucharest! The amazing race continues!


  1. Hopefully you went to the right castle...there are 2 Dracula castles. One is the real thing where you have to hike up a huge hill to get too and the other one is a spoof of the real thing for tourists ...Hope you have fun in Turkey! Be safe and don't forget about Ephesus! You will learn a lot! XOXO

  2. You will be ready to see the New Moon movie when you return to the U.S. That's the second vampire movie in the 4 book series. Have fun in the amazing race!! Love Mom
