Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dublin Day 2: Wicklow

Today I went to Wicklow, a small rural region an hour outside of Dublin. I took a tour bus there and was told all about the area. It was really green (as you'd expect Ireland to be) and it was really beautiful. My favorite part of the tour was when we had free time to hike around an old monastery near two gorgeous lakes.

Although it was pouring rain the whole time, me and a few others took the half hour hike to the second lake. I couldn't believe that there were actually a few people living out in this faraway land.

I met these two girls from New Jersey and Florida whom I later went pubbing with.

After I got back to the hospital, me and a bunch of Aussie chicks decided to hit up a pub. We didn't stay for too long, but it was fun. Afterwards, I went to a pub called the Temple Bar Vat House. There was a live Irish band, drunk old people, and lots of folk dancing! Such a great experience :)

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