Monday, November 2, 2009

Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh has been absolutely incredible. The hostel I am staying at, St. Christopher's, is a lot of fun. The staff is friendly and there is always something to do, as there is a bar and lounge on the first floor... Yesterday was really wet, cold, and rainy, but I decided to go on the Free Walking Tour anyway - great tour, but I ended up sopping wet and freezing.

After the tour, I grabbed a huge burger with fresh mozzarella and tomatoes which was really good. Later, I decided to go on a Pub Crawl with a couple of Australians that I had partied with on Halloween. What ensued was a brainstorming session about the name and slogan of my future extreme sports company... Can't say it here though ;)

Today I'm touring the castle and going on a ghost tour...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you stay dry for the next couple of days. What did you do for Halloween? Were you in Scotland or Ireland? Back to Spain in a couple of days, right. Miss you and stay safe. Love Mom
