Friday, November 6, 2009


Amsterdam has been a lot of fun. Yesterday I took another free walking tour which told me a lot about the city and today, I went to the Van Gogh museum. I was hoping that I could find my favorite painting 'Starry Night' at this museum, but it isn't on display in Amsterdam. Although that was a bit disappointing, I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of his artwork. A lot of people see him as one of those crazy geniuses, but this museum does a good job at showing that he worked and studied to perfect his artwork - it wasn't just pure luck that he was so good.

My favorite painting there was of a man sowing seeds. It had a bright background with a dark foreground. The contrasting colors were beautiful. Tomorrow in the evening I head to Berlin. I am very excited to see the wall and be there for the celebration. On November 9th, it will be the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall!

1 comment:

  1. How cool you will be in Berlin for such a historical event. You were too young to remember the wall being torn down, but it was a huge step towards freedom. Have fun. Are you meeting up with friends?
