Monday, November 16, 2009

Another Day at Another Park in Barcelona

Today I went to Park Güell, an incredible park that was designed by Gaudi.  Gaudi has many of his architectural works displayed around Barcelona.  I would say that he is the best designer/architect that I have ever seen.  His ability to combine nature both within his stone work and within their surroundings is phenomonal.  I cannot wait to show you guys photos of what I was seeing.

I think that I spent about two hours in the park walking around and observing the scenery.  It was really really neat.  Anyways, I have one more full day left in Barcelona.  I am excited to get back to Madrid to get working on a project (I know, I know... I actually do have school) 

Anyways, the project should take a few days and then I am not sure where I am going next.  I miss everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds as if you are having a great time, are you sure you miss us LOL? You deserve this time to explore other countries, you have worked so hard to get where you are today! Can't wait to see all your pictures.
