Saturday, September 19, 2009

Santiago de Compostela, Ribeira, Las Dunas de Corrubedo, y Corcubión

Today was a truly incredible day. I decided to sleep in until 9:30 this morning because I was exhausted from all of the walking yesterday. After a good breakfast, I was off to the airport to get my car! I was really excited not only because I knew it would be a manual (dorky I know), but also because it would give me the freedom to travel wherever I wanted.

After I acquired the silver stallion I sat in the car wondering where I should go. My friend Juan had recommended many places for me to see, but I hadn't the slightest idea as to which places I wanted to see most. They all sounded amazing. On a whim, I decided to go to the coast near Ribeira. Once I hit Ribeira, I knew that Las Dunas de Corrubedo were close by.

I finally found a national park that, at the time, I thought would lead me directly to the dunes. To my pleasant surprise I found a very long walking trail surrounded by pine trees. After walking a few minutes, I discovered a boardwalk that lead straight to the Atlantic! It was gorgeous!

There was one other man on the beach that was just about to jump in the water... But I was in jeans! Anyone that knows me well, knows that when I see an ocean, I can't resist jumping in it. Especially when the weather is nice like it was this afternoon. (This was lucky because it was raining all morning. Now it was as sunny and warm as could be.)

Anyways, I ran to my car and grabbed my sweet neon board shorts and headed straight for the coast. I took off my shoes and ran into the ocean. I caught a few small waves and then continued my journey.

As I headed back to the board walk, I met a older man named Jose who seemed like he wanted someone foreign to talk to. After an awkward introduction, I told him I'd walk with him to keep him company. It turns out that he has lived in this little coastal town all of his life and that he walks along the beach everyday to see the beauty that surrounds the area. We talked for a long time (in Spanish of course!!) And he told me all about the region. We walked together on the beach for about 30 minutes and then he had to go. I am so glad I decided to say hi to the man who looked like he wanted to talk!

After I returned to my car, I drove to Las Dunas. They were really pretty because they were so big. I guess they'd look like those very hilly sandy desert pictures that we have all seen.

After I left, I headed for Corcubión, where I am now. I found this really nice hotel for 40 € with breakfast. My room has an amazing view of the ocean!

The reason I chose this city is because it is very close to Finisterre (the Romans name it this because they thought it was the "end of the land" or "end of the world"). It is the point furthest west that they had ever seen when they found it. In fact, they couldn't see anymore land, hence the name :)

The main goal of this trip was to get to Finisterre and to be there at sunrise. So tomorrow I am waking up early to see this beautiful part of the world wake up!

(PS- I wrote this on el Gato Negro (my Blackberry))

1 comment:

  1. Clifford this sounds truly amazing. How lucky are you to have this opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Spain. Hoping you are taking lots of pictures! Remember what I told you? Love Mom
