Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rainy Sunday

It rained for the first time today!  The last two weeks were really hot, so it was a nice change.  It has been a pretty lazy Sunday, but I guess that is what Sundays are for.  I've spent most of the day deciding what I'm going to do next weekend.  There are sooo many options.  Rachell (the girl I met at the airport) asked if I wanted to go to cinque terra with a bunch of Florence kids.  It sounds really fun, but the flights don't really coordinate really well.  So I thought about going to Oktoberfest, but the flights are really expensive... Tomorrow I'm going to go to the train station after class and check out departure times and fares to see if it'd be worth going.  I hear the Oktoberfest opening weekend is amazing! So I hope to find a way to get there.  If not, I'll definitely be traveling somewhere within Spain :) So many decisions... 


  1. Are you sure, you want to go to Munich with the train? It's between 21 and 31 hours. I just checked that on

  2. Go to Cinque won't regret it! Dont forget about Lagos, Portugal! I will let you know where I stayed for cheap when you go! It was nice too!!
