Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Last Day in Rome and a Few Hours in Madrid

The last day in Rome was just as incredible as the rest, although I had to deal with the customs office in Spain for most of the morning (on the phone)... Anyways, after that debacle, I went to the Roman Forum and the Hill where the palace used to be.  Walking through these particular ancient grounds was amazing.  I really started to feel like I knew what it was like to live during those times.

My final night consisted of an amazing meal followed by a movie at the hostel... GLADIATOR!  :)  It was perfect!

This morning was kind of crazy, I arrived in Madrid early in the morning and then had to deal with customs at FedEx for a few hours.  Then, I was off moving my suitcases from one end of town to the next.  I am still waiting to get them to their final destination, but everything is packed and ready to go!

Only 20 more days!!! I am excited and sad.  I know that these next 20 days are going to fly by so fast.  This experience has been incredible.  I am going to just keep enjoying every second.  Even little hiccups this like the one this morning don't phase me.  I've learned to just take a deep breath and move along with the flow - enjoy the little things.

I'll keep updating you all via my Blackberry, but unfortunately I won't be able to show anymore photos until I get home.  Then I will spend hours finishing up this blog!

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