Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Aiport Hotel

My last few days in Florence were very relaxed. The Boboli Gardens were closed when I went the other day, so I went today. I wandered around for a couple of hours, listening to music and enjoying the scenery. I also met up with the two girls I met on the plane ride to Europe. It was their last day of school so we went to a club to celebrate :)

The clock is ticking down. I am in the Milan Malpensa airport on my way back to Madrid. My flight leaves at 7 am and the airport is a good hour away from any hostel, so I decided to rough it and sleep on a bench tonight inside the airport! I feel like a bum, but there is a first time for everything!

Anyways, once I am in Madrid I only have 4 more nights left... I am both sad and happy :)

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