Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Corviglia Day 2!

This morning we woke up at 6:30 so we could be the first people on the slopes. It snowed about 4 or 5 inches last night, so there was powder everywhere! But, when we got to the top, it was so snowy and windy that you couldn't see two feet in front of you. Luiggi stayed at the lodge while I went down the mountain to check and see if the conditions were ok for his level of expertise. It was, so we snowboarded for a couple of hours and now we are eating.

The sun is now shining and I am ready to hit the powdery slopes again!


  1. Hey Clifford by now you are fast asleep after a long day of snowboarding. How cold is it in Corviglia? It has been cold and rainy here; but I'm sure you have us beat on cold weather! Have fun enjoy the sun while it's shining. Have a cup of Hot Chocolate with whip cream to keep warm. Love Mom

  2. I had the hot chocolate and it was great! Swiss Chocolate is amazing... I think the coldest it got was -7 Celsius!
