Sunday, December 6, 2009

Crisis Averted!

So I didn't miss the plane after all! My cab got there about 5 minutes after it was supposed to have departed so I ran immediately to the front of the check-in line and asked if it had left. She said yes and then paused for a second and ran to the gate. She then ran back and told me to go get my ticket stamped and to run to the plane.

After flying through the airport, I ran onto the runway and ran into the plane - only to hear the loudspeaker saying that we would be arriving late "due to late passengers". :) Whoops!

Anyways, I landed safely in Milan to find Luiggi and our yellow Fiat waiting. We drove to St. Moritz, Switzerland (with me getting sick twice along the way). I guess small car and windy mountain roads = car sickness!

Upon arrival we rented our gear and snowboarded the alps! It was incredible! So, for the next 5 days, I will be in the Alps in my friends cabin enjoying life!!!!

Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. Life is good! Have fun in the Alps!! To bad you take after me and got car sick, YUK!!! But thats behind you now. Can't wait to see your pictures of where you are staying and all the snow of Switzerland! Love Mom
