Monday, August 31, 2009

El Retiro

El Retiro, Madrid's Central Park, is gorgeous and yesterday, we decided to explore it for the first time. There were a ton of people there doing a wide variety of things. Couples and families rented row boats on a small lake and locals slept and/or tried to make money by selling small gifts or dancing etc... We didn't take too many pictures because all we had were our phones so I'll have to update the blog with some later on. But below are a few pictures that I took with El Gato Negro (my phone)...

The most memorable part of this outing was when El Jefe found some Mariachis. I had told him that I loved the song "Cielito Lindo" and had been singing the first few lines all day... Anyways, he immediately requested the song and began to dance and sing with them. It was one of the coolest and funniest things ever! (Oh and in case you didn't realize... Mariachis in Spain! How crazy is that... It's a Mexican thing)
"Ay, ay, ay, ay, Canta y no llores,
Porque cantando se alegran,
Cielito lindo, los corazones."

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