Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day two in Madrid

Today we went searching for a place to stay. As a result, we walked around for hours. Although it was tiring, it helped us figure out the city a little better. The apartment search is proving to be a little difficult. We found places, but they only rent for a year at a time. Unfortunately we only need a semester. So tonight we are going to continue to look around online and also contact all the new exchange students.
!! We also saw our school today!! It is so gorgeous. A of the secretaries were sooo nice! We were given little IE school side bags with a binder and paper along with our student I'd cards. Manelay and I were glad to be able to visualize were it was that we were going to spend a majority of the next four months...
Spain seems like an amazing place so far, I can't wait to explore it more!

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